Saturday 29 May 2010

Rabastens to Montaubon.

Monday 24th May
Rabastens to Montaubon.
We dragged ourselves away in glorious sunshine and set off back towards the Tarn. We took a bit of a short cut and Tim, if you are reading this, it wasn’t quite as flat as you made out! But it was fun and such a varied landscape as we came down to Mezens to re-join the river. We stopped off at Buzet sur Tarn to buy a picnic. It is a holiday today in France so there was no one about at all and the roads were blissfully quiet and we made it to Villemur sur Tarn in time for a late lunch.

River Tarn

We sat by the river under the old city walls in the shade as by now it was almost 30 degs. It is always difficult to know if you feel better or worse after a break.

So I lay on my back and contemplated the meaning of life.

The backside and legs complain a lot for the first 10 minutes back on the saddle and I feel like having a sleep for about the first 30 minutes. Any hills there might be seem a lot higher, but luckily today there weren’t many. In the end we made it into Montauban by late afternoon and booked into the only hotel we could see. A rather grumpy female hotelier gave us a fairly lukewarm welcome and declared she would charge us 2 euros for each bike to be parked in a grubby wash room, quite apart from the exorbitant rates we were paying for b and b. Anyhow, we sorted ourselves out, washed our bike clothes and were relaxing when the phone rang in our room. We were very surprised by this because we couldn’t think how anyone knew we were there, but it was madame again. This time complaining that we had hung our washing in full view of the square in the windows so could we take it down! Oh dear, but it was the only sunny place and seemed too good an opportunity to miss. Luckily it was almost dry by this time. We crept out for a sausage and chips supper which was about the only place open in the town as the whole place was closed for the holiday.

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