Sunday 9 May 2010

Badia Polesine to San Giovanni Lupatoto

Friday 7th May
Badia Polesine to San Giovanni Lupatoto
We set off again with a very fond farewell from both of our hosts not entirely certain where we’d end up. Anyway the sun was shining and the countryside was more interesting as we are now in fruit (apples, pears, peaches, kiwi) growing country. Just when we were beginning to feel a bit weary, we found ourselves going around in a circle, as good old Michelin don’t seem to have factored in the new roads yet. However, a kind girl in a petrol station drew us a map and with a certain amount of guesswork we managed to get back on a direct course towards Verona. 40 miles after we’d set off this morning we were in the outskirts of Verona in San Giovanni Lupatoto. Usually about 10 miles outside any city you hit a few miles of industrial factories and units. However, there isn’t too much of this outside Verona and San Giovanni is pretty, if a bit on the smart side, we don’t know why.
Lunch spot- very pleasant!

There must be a crop of something in here but we can't see what it is!
The first hotel we stopped at was closed, the second didn’t look too bad until an absolute grizzly bear of a man came to see what we wanted, didn’t have wi-fi and offered us the room of a 40 a night smoker but the 3rd (sounds like Goldilocks doesn’t it) was just right!
The hotel has a meal deal with a wine bar just a 100yds away so armed with the 10% discount card we set off for some supper. Now you don’t get many 50 something year olds going into wine bars on a Friday night in the UK and the same can be pretty much be said about Italy – but we were starving so in we went. We fought our way through a crush of hundreds of yuppies hosing back Pinot Grigio and the local Valpolicella to the back where we were assured there were a few tables. Much quieter but still full of youngsters having dinner and drinking champagne, so as they say – when in Rome, and we had a very good dinner and I paid forgetting I had the discount card!

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