Thursday 13 May 2010

A Day at Lake Garda and Milan

Sunday 9th May
Verona - lake Garda- Milan
Today I am 59, I am not happy about this!
Alec’s birthday today and he doesn’t look a day older! As there is no room to carry anything more, in the absence of a present we went out to lunch instead. We took the train to Peschiera on Lake Garda which is on our way to Milan. We decided against biking this bit as although it is completely flat, there were no small roads to follow. However, once there it was a joy as the whole area is given over to biking and walking routes.
It is a very beautiful part of the world and after taking a quick look at the selection of very expensive boats in the harbour, we crossed the river into ‘old’ Peschiera which has a slight feel of Monte Carlo about it; not surprisingly seeing as how many film stars have bought houses in the area. No sign of Brad and Angelina though – unlike Tom and Cameron in Jerez and Seville.

Only serious boats on Garda, none of those flappy sail things!!

The water is a beautiful azure blue but it didn’t look quite tempting enough to swim. The old part of Peschiera is in fact an island in the shape of a 5 pointed star and is separated from the mainland by the river Mincio which flows either side of it. The old town is surrounded by some quite substantial city walls and there are wonderful mountains in the distance.

Gates into the old city.

The old bridge over the Mincio

It is a serious tourist trap where restaurants and tacky shops abound. We found a very nice trattoria on the water’s edge and had an extremely good lunch and a lazy day.

The view from lunch.

Fortunately it was very sunny and warm during lunch as the rain started just as we left for Milan. The only downside to lunch was that the Italians love to eat and smoke at the same time so we had to be moved twice as the effect of six smokers in close proximity is like sitting up a chimney.

Red crested Pochard.

By the time we arrived at Milan Central station it was cold and very wet, so we booked in to the nearest hotel we could find -not so easy as the Icelandic earthquake seems to be causing trouble again and Milan is full. We have an early start tomorrow.

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