Sunday 17 January 2010

San Jose to san Pedro del Pinatar

Tuesday 12th January.
San Jose – San Pedro del Pinatar
We tried to think of reasons to stay on at Il Sotillo but really couldn’t so jammed the bikes back into the car and set off towards Valencia. Before we left, I went to see the horses and have a chat with the head groom as there is a riding stables at the hotel. It was quite a short ‘chat ‘as he spoke about as much English as I speak Spanish and we had a bit of a mix up when I thought I was asking how many horses they had there. He answered ‘dos mille’ which surprised me a bit until I realized it was the price they were asking for that particular one!
It would be a fabulous place to ride as there are huge plains between the mountains but scenery was pretty dull once we were out of the natural park.
We went to Vera to visit the oldest bull ring in Spain. Of course, being January it was closed so we just wandered around the pretty exterior.
Famous matador outside Vera Bullfight ring.

The Plaza del Torro, Vera.
Closed for the winter, apparently the
oldest/smallest in Spain - who knows!

favourite view
of the Plaza. Any
guesses why?

Acres of polythene (and this is a tiny bit of it) most of which is up trees and spread across fields and definitely the reason why Guernsey isn't still the UK's biggest provider of tomatoes!

A flock (herd??) of goats.

Lucky goat!

More goats.

We had lunch in Aquillas and walked along the beach admiring the many jellyfish washed up

Aquillas beach - about half a mile of restaurants all selling the same thing!

We booked in to San Pedro del Pinatar just north of Cartagena and arrived in the dark at a rather moderate Best Western hotel on the beach front. It is opposite La Manga in the bay of Mar Menor and is meant to be a pretty area. We are looking forward to seeing the view from the dining room tomorrow at breakfast. All in all a boring day! We hate sitting in cars!

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