Monday 4 January 2010

Malaga to Torres del Mar

Amazing how a little bit of sun brings everyone out. Here we are January 3rd leaving Malaga along the coast. All of the seaside bars and restaurants sniffing an opportunity have opened like flowers in the sunshine. This man (along with it has to be said many others) has a small tent and is lighting a BBQ to serve his mates their lunch!
3rd January
Malaga – Torres del Mar
It was back to shirt sleeves today on our bikes which was a welcome relief, and we had an easy day traveling along the coast north east of Malaga. It is actually very pretty and there were some remnants of fishing villages. Being a sunny Sunday everyone was out promenading, biking, running, bbqing on the beach – they do this in old boats filled with concrete and charcoal which seems an excellent use for redundant dinghies.
We had met a charming Spanish dentist in the plaza the day before who had lived with a girl from Londonderry for 10 years, and he told us of all sorts of places we should visit whilst in Malaga. I am ashamed to say we didn’t see many of them -in fact any- so hope we don’t bump in to him again.
We are still trying to finish the cheeses we bought for Christmas so we have to find somewhere away from anyone before we unwrap them for our picnics! They are excellent but could probably travel up the coast on their own now. I can even smell them through my cold. Feeling pretty ropey still we called it a day fairly early in Torres del Mar which is a large modern resort. Apparently it is where all the Spaniards holiday and in the summer the bars and night clubs stay open until 6am – but we heard a lot of Brits and Germans too.
We follow the route along the beach fronts so it is really easy bicycling until you get to the end of one resort and take the road to the next one. We are surrounded by enormous mountains which are looking particularly green and lush after all the rain. We noticed that the Oak trees have autumn colours on their leaves but they are being pushed off by the new green shoots coming up. The birds are all pairing up and we found a pigeon’s egg last week. Not many birds of interest around on the coast except for a few gannets.

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