Saturday 16 January 2010

San Jose and there abouts

Monday 11th – big day, 2000 miles so far on the bikes and 4 months away from home.
In the morning we booked ourselves in for another night (very happily) so we could use the day to explore the National Park around us. A trip to the tourist office provided details of the cycle paths in the area and a visit to the supermarket set us up for a fairly ‘full on’ picnic lunch.
The maps showed there was a simple 15 mile circuit so off we went inland from San Jose to Pozo de Los Frailes turned right to Los Escullos and right again along a coastal route back to San Jose.
All fine and dandy and the lady in the tourist office said it was suitable for all types of bikes (and riders)
As far as Los Escullos it was all lovely rural roads and very simple, overlooked by large arid mountains. These are covered in honeycombed rocks and you could imagine bears living in the caves. However, there aren’t any!

Windmill outside Los Frailes

House on the way to Los Escullos

Vivi in front of Los Frailes

After Los Escullos it was a firm sandy track up hill, so at a convenient spot overlooking a stunning bay we stopped for our picnic and a short nap.

Perfect spot for a picnic

Road (easy part) to Los Escullos

Sandy track up what tuns out to be a mountain!

Almost at the top of the cliffs the situation deteriorated and there had been many rock falls and landslips. Cycling became impossible and pushing was the only option, sometimes with one’s feet perilously close to a 400mtr sheer drop. When the path took a downward turn it was almost vertical and rock strewn and as lead scout I turned once after hearing a cry for help to see Vivi pinioned under her bike after losing control of it (pushing)
and ending up with it on her head. The only similarity between her and a mountain goat being the bleating! After about an hour (and if James and Sheila are still reading this – never whinge about a headwind to the Blue Vinney again) the track re-emerged and we were able to remount and cycle the last 2ks to the Supermarket for ‘soda water’ (medicinal purposes) and back to the hotel. It was like July in Sark, Herm or Scotland and the sea shimmered like the Summer Isles on a still sunny day.

Coastline looking south of Los Esculos

Shortly before the disaster!!

There were loads of spring flowers and honey bees but the anticipated birds of prey (we had expected Peregrines, Eagles, Genets and wild boar) failed to show apart from one kestrel and a rabbit- the latter soon seen off by a walker’s dog. Partridges calling everywhere but needless to say impossible to see. There are however, masses of lovely crag martens everywhere and they are not at all shy, flying so close to you, you almost have to duck.

Not sure what it is but it's foreign to us!

We arrived back at the hotel full of sun, exhausted and delighted with our achievement. Even the bikes told us they were happy!

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