Saturday 23 January 2010

reflections on 2 months in Spain

Reflections on 2 months in Spain!

At first the Spaniards don’t come across as all that friendly but after a while we realized this was because they use very short sentences, compared the rather flowery way the French put their sentences together. Which to us sensitive souls came across as a little dismissive but we soon learned otherwise .

Wonderful country of bright light, vibrant colours and full of sunshine.

An over-riding smell of drains.(this is probably a bit unfair, but after the senses being heightened by the delicious scents whilst traveling down France, we really noticed the difference. Other than drains the only other noticeable one was fried fish all along the coast.

Charming ‘no worries’ attitude.

The Spanish talk an awful lot, even the men!

Very tactile to each other. (Alec was surprised to find other men touching him in a friendly fashion -I don’t remember any touching me at all!)

Beautiful country ruined by Litter and Graffiti.This might be because the litter is collected daily so they just drop it where they stand, so rather a vicious circle.

Most courteous drivers.

Very child and family orientated.Especially the fathers who at weekends always seemed to be on duty.

Curvy girls and handsome men. The men look fabulous in particular whilst riding their horses and we noticed that they are very light on their feet and balletic, especially at football, compared to the Brits and Italians. We think it must be the culture of dance and bull fighting.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand a word, they just talk at you (very fast) anyway.

‘Manana’ really is the order of the day, so different to manic Britain!

The staple diet seems to be ciggies, fish, pork, potatoes and more ciggies.

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