Tuesday 26 January 2010

Ladispoli to Isola Sacra

Saturday 23rd January
Ladispoli to Isola Sacra
Amazing how two days can turn out to be so very different. We set off from Ladispoli the roads were busy but not too bad and there is a wide verge. Our aim was to get to Lido di Ostia. However the further we went the busier the roads became so eventually we turned off the main road hoping to skirt around the edge of the Leonardo aeroporto, Fiumicino duck under the motorway and emerge just west of Ostia.
Unfortunately the maps are of a poor quality and what appears to be a plethora of small roads are in fact airport service roads fenced off from the world and where they are shown as going under the motorway they in fact just stop at the point where the motorway dug itself through them.
So we had a tiresome time getting very lost, fed up and just as darkness was falling and having peddled like mad along manic roads we booked into the first decent looking hotel we came to which was in Isola Sacra.
The harbour and beyond shrimp fishing nets on Isola

All the clichés about Italians liking fast cars and driving like dingbats appears to be true. They don’t exactly get too close but they all like to go from 0 to 60 in first gear and in under 5 seconds. We’ve seen Aston, Ferraris, Porsches not to mention BMWs Mercs in fact everything that goes fast and looks expensive.
There was nothing very much to recommend to-day!

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