Wednesday 7 October 2009

St Mathurin to Montjean

Monday 5th October.
It was lashing with rain when we woke which was a shock to the system so we went into slow motion. However, madame wasn’t having any of it and wanted us out sharpish. Thankfully it cleared by the time Alec had found some black bin bags in her garage to cover his panniers. (his waterproof covers remain in Throop in a useful way delivered too late by the bike shop). It is the first time we really felt cold biking. We had intended to go into Angers to do some sightseeing but somehow when we got to the junction where you had a choice to carry on along the river or go to Angers, we took the former. We will have to have another trip to take in all those sights.
We were hopeful about getting an excellent lunch in Bouchemaine as advised by James and Sheila – the thought of ‘pike and chips washed down with a bottle of Anjou’ had spurred us on all morning. But of course it was Monday so everything was closed. There was an amazingly strong headwind and at times it was all I could do not to go backwards while pedalling like hell. We gritted out teeth and continued as far as Montjean-s. loire. 38 miles and far too far but couldn’t find anywhere to stay before that. Alec eventually ‘bagged’ another ‘Station’ in Possioniere as the other churches were all locked. Our bike route took us all along a rather lovely island of Basse Ile which had some fabulous holiday houses tucked away on it. All firmly shuttered up now. We were very relieved to get to a Logis in Montjean , which is most attractive. The abbey is right on top of a high cliff, under which are old slate mines. Long since defunct.

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