Tuesday 20 October 2009

Saturday 17th Oct.

Saturday 17th October.
I am another whole year older today but was relieved to feel no different, still aching in all the same joints!
We had a very happy day and it was such a treat not having to pack up and set off yet again. We bought a picnic and went to explore the northern half of the Island, via the health spa where I wanted to book in for a long session and come out looking a new woman. (Alec’s present to me) Unfortunately they are booked for days so I (and Alec) am stuck with my looking my usual self. For those of you girls who may be thinking of doing the same sort of trip for health reasons - you do not seem to change shape in any great way. Most irritating!
We meandered through the marshes with field glasses and were treated to lots of migrating birds including some fan tailed warblers, lots of different redstarts, a bee-eater, rosy buzzard, hen harrier, Brent geese, all sorts of ducks, another swallow going over, and many others. After a while we realized we were lost, so stopped a couple (older than us) who turned out to come from Paris. He complemented Vivi on her French after she had explained how we had made it all the way from St Malo and also visited many chateaux somewhere up the Loire etc and said “ou est ta tente’ Vivi wondered why he was enquiring after her aunt. It was a while later we realized that he may have been talking about a tent. Anyway we picked a perfect lunch spot against a wall under a fig tree (pudding provided free) where it was really hot so a real treat.
For supper we picked a brasserie with wi-fi so we could skype the girls, ordered champagne sat at a table outside so as not to disturb the other diners and, happy as clams guess what – it didn’t work! So we had a good dinner anyway and resolved to call them all tomorrow.

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