Sunday 18 October 2009

St Hermine to L'Ile de Re

Friday 16th October.
St Hermine to L’Ile de Re.

Luckily the wind had dropped as we had to leave rather early to bike to Lucon to take at train to La Rochelle. – I know, cheating again, but we couldn’t do 80 miles in one day and wanted to spend the weekend on the Ile de Re. Also it was just taking us over more marshes and salt flats, and we know we have an awful lot more of those to look at.
La Rochelle is so pretty, but a bit of a nightmare getting to the bridge to the Ile by bike, 1½ hours later having been through every type of industrial dockland site we reached the bridge. Thankfully there was a tail wind so flew over it. It is a pretty impressive 2.5 miles long and the cars have to pay 10 euros to go over, but bikes are free. Probably because they don’t think anyone will manage to find it.
Ile de Re is a very charming island not unlike Ile Noimoutier where we were last week, but a bit longer, and full of rather trendy sophisticated French on holiday and 2 rather scruffy bikers wearing all their belongings at the same time! We tried to buy lunch at a restaurant on arrival on the island but food was off, Friday 2pm. I think it was Alec’s long johns that did it, but they did give us a drink. We met a very friendly couple from Donaghadee who have a house here and also have one of Mum’s paintings - what a small world.
Last night we were admiring a portrait of Annie and noticed it was painted by Mike Bowman , apparently his first ever portrait painted in the 70s. (Sally, please can you tell him!).
20 miles later we reached Ars-en-Re, or as Alec calls it ‘our son Ray’ where we are staying in Holly and David’s lovely flat over-looking the harbour.

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