Thursday 29 October 2009

Saujon to St Palais sur Mer

Sunday 25th Oct. Saujon to St Palais sur Mer Woke to blue sky and a perfect day – how can two consecutive days be so different. Wandered into town in search of some breakfast and were disappointed to find only a boulangerie open and not many people about. The lady in the boulangerie kindly told us where we might find a bar doing breakfast which we made our way to and it was only as we were finishing that we realized it was 8.30 not 9.30. That’s the trouble with not watching any telly or reading newspapers, I was convinced the clocks went back next w/e not this one. We rode over to St Palais sur Mer which is a special trip down memory lane for Vivi as this is where the Kinahan family took their caravan and their summer holidays for several years during the 60’s. We had a little difficulty identifying which beach (Nauzan) and which campsite, (camping Bernezac) but eventually it all came flooding back so we took photos of everything which seemed remotely familiar and will test the rest of the family anon. The beach is still the same although seemed much smaller and there is an awful lot of town which I never knew existed. We are in a hotel a couple of miles on a headland north of the town and the sea is crashing on the rocks very close to our window. One of Alec’s nuts fell off so we have to find a shop tomorrow to see if he can replace it (for his bike). Another thing we learned today is that tomorrow is a holiday so fingers crossed we find somewhere open. However it is very comfortable and the weather forecast is good so it is not the end of the world if we have to stay a bit longer. We nearly dipped our toes in the sea but good sense overcame us as we couldn’t think how to dry our feet without getting sand in our shoes. Feeble excuse I know!

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