Sunday 18 October 2009

St Cyr to St Hermine

St Cyr to St Hermine (La Landerie)
Thursday 15th October.

Today it is wall to wall blue sky, bright sunshine but with a perishingly cold east wind from Siberia. I set off in my usual shorts, sandals, polo shirt but today added a sleeveless fleece. My teeth were chattering so much I found it hard to concentrate and was worried I might wobble off. After buying a quiche for lunch I eventually had to admit to Vivi that I was going to put some socks on. These proved inadequate so the next stage was gloves, then a jersey then my cycling windcheater and finally my long johns normally worn UNDER plus fours but I didn’t care and at last I was warm.
We zigzagged our way through delightful undulating countryside along the river Lay towards St Hermine. At last we were back in rural France and saw coveys of partridge, some deer – the first we’ve seen in 5 weeks and a hare, again a first. Plus copious rabbits but this time free range as hitherto we have only seen beautiful black and white caged jobs being prepared for the pot.
We stopped in Mareuil-sur-Lay-Dissais and went to the local bar to warm ourselves up and there were at least 20 men and I was the only female, other than the bar maid. The men seem to take their lunch hours very seriously with lots of Pastis being drunk.
Annie lives at La Landerie a beautiful converted farmhouse where she runs an extremely comfortable chambre/table d’hote and we were spoiled rotten. It was bliss to speak English with someone else, have a proper hot bath, cup of tea, delicious 4 course dinner and a good catch up.

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