Sunday 13 December 2009

Seville to Huelva

Thursday 10th December.
Seville to Huelva
Before we could leave we had to have a bit of a look at Seville as our last visit had been two years ago and in May. That time it was so stiflingly hot we could not concentrate and took shelter in the cathedral. This time we were going to do it properly and get to the top of the cathedral tower but once again were thwarted. This time by Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz who have been following us around a bit. They had arranged for the cathedral and the square in front of it to be closed for the day so they could carry on filming Knight and Day. We thought the paparazzi were following us!
Seville really is lovely (well the bit in the middle where the tourists are allowed) and we had a happy morning. We went to look at the Bull ring to look at it, and couldn’t remember why we had failed last time. On arrival we were told that it was guided tours only and we remembered that being the reason, so gave it a miss. We are headed for Portugal but have discovered that no Spaniard has any information/interest whatsoever on it, so we found the Portuguese consulate who completely understood our predicament about getting information about their country out of the Spanish but with a rather sniffy air told us that they were not a travel agency so couldn’t really help either. However they did finally relent and handed over all sorts of maps and touristy literature which will come in handy.
On the walk back to the hotel to collect the bikes and head back to the station for the next leg of our journey , passing the cathedral we noticed an enormous stable complete with crib, Mary, Joseph, cattle, sheep, oxen, wise men and yes you’re ahead of me – definitely a baby and I just think that it might be Jesus. (see photo) so Julia you were wrong, sometime between Tuesday 8th at about 11pm and Thursday 10th midday he was I’m afraid born, and you owe me!!
We caught the train to Huelva it takes just under 2 hours and passed through some stunning almost flat countryside which we realized afterwards we could have cycled had we had more time. Checked into a hotel and were beginning to feel quite excited about the forthcoming few days between now and Christmas when the family are coming out to join us.

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