Friday 11 December 2009

From the boat in Rota harbour

Tuesday 8th December.
We had been planning to go off to Veger de la Frontera but somehow by the time we had all agreed on where and what to do, it was too late, so we settled for getting to know Rota better. We strolled along the Sea front and Charlie put the other 2 men to shame by donning his trunks and swimming. He stayed in for some time and swore that it was lovely, so we were full of admiration.
Rota church (‘Nostra Senora de la O’) was absolutely stunning as it had been decorated for the Feast day - full of flowers, gold and over-the-top gaudy baubles in a side chapel, and the remainder was old and had a lovely serene atmosphere. The church bells pealed Silent Night and other carols on the hour.
Over here they supply static cycling machines in the parks and on the waterfront, every 100 yards, and it is rather nice to see some of the older generation (see photos) sitting in the sun chatting and keeping a little more mobile. We think they should do this at home and join it to the National Grid and then a lot of energy problems would be solved. What’s more, they haven’t even been vandalized.
Late afternoon had a bit of a ‘going back to school’ feeling as the others were flying off later. We are a bit nervous as have been given the responsibility of putting the boat to bed when we leave. We spent a quiet evening finishing off anything perishable, so it was a feast.

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