Tuesday 8 December 2009

Rota - on the boat.

Costa Ballena to Rota.
5 - 8 December
We had quite a domesticated day as we have opened up the boat for Anthony and Julia as they arrive late this evening. It was quite exciting shopping for fresh food as we haven’t had the opportunity to self-cater for some time. Rota has a beautiful harbour overlooked by the church and old castle.
The boat is a Van de Stadt Caribbean 40, and we are in the fore cabin which is pretty luxurious, Charlie is in the saloon, and Anthony and Julia somewhere at the back. On Saturday we had a good day sailing over the bay to Cadiz. We were able to lay Cadiz on a close fetch until we brought the light house abaft the beam when we were able to free the sheets and surge along on a quartering sea. (see what a yachty I have become!!)
It is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception so Spain takes a long holiday. Cadiz was packed with families promenading and we did the full tourist bit, eating baby shrimps and smoked tuna from a market stall, sherry at a tapas bar, and finally a visit to Ben and Jerry’s ice cream parlour. We were outside the very ancient and beautiful Cathedral fully intending to look inside. However it was blocked off unless we paid 5 euros each which we thought was a bit steep. So Julia and Charlie paid up (3 euros each for a group tour!) and said how worthwhile it was, the rest of us spent our 5 euros on ice cream.
We also kept an eye out for Cameron Diaz and Tom Cruise who are in Cadiz making a film about Bullfighting but they must have gone elsewhere for the w/e as there was no sign of them. However the local paper today says the town has benefited to the tune of euros 1.8 million so far just from their visit.
After that we crossed the bay to El Puerto de Santa Maria and tied up in the river on a pontoon belonging to the local sailing club. Anthony said the charge was extortionate and I’m ashamed to say I never asked how bad and am therefore still in debt. After freshening up we set forth into town to a DIY restaurant which Anthony had been to before. You have two choices, something hot off the menu or go next door and buy cones of langoustine, shrimps, winkle things, tiger prawns and a serious number of very unidentifiable sea monsters. You are then allowed to take them back to the restaurant and have a picnic. The men chose to picnic, the girls went for hot. Needless to say the men’s picnic had to be stretched 5 ways. It was ‘fast food’ Spanish style at it’s best the place was heaving and the noise was unbelievable, it was great. After coffee on the walk home we finished up with very acceptable Scotch whiskey (from the local supermarket at 4.95 euros a bottle) which Charlie said was most likely bottled in Madrid ‘Que, how he no that?’ but it was most acceptable and we all fell asleep exhausted, fulfilled and happy.
To be continued!!

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