Monday 2 November 2009

Listrac to Bordeaux pics

When you are pedaling along for mile after mile in thick fog your mind wanders all over the place, when I passed this sign it was drawn back to happy Sunday lunches at Les Rouvets quaffing embarrassingly large quantities of Margaux. So this is where it all came from.

The little church in the woods at Benon.

Having turned green with envy at all of the modern French houses made of timber and acreas of glass we saw this and thought - ahh how luffly!! It's on the river Louise too!

Chateau Leoville Barton.

Having seen a stack of these squashed on the road at last we have seen one alive - close to the road mind so he may not live long. This is our very first Rat Gondin about the size of a fat dachshound, but not nearly as pleasant to look at!

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