Thursday 26 November 2009

Alcala la real to Granada

Alcala la Real to Granada
Monday 23rd November
We were lucky to have chosen this town quite by chance as it had the most spectacular fortress above it. We spent a happy couple of hours exploring it all in the sunshine. Being a bit ignorant (and having no guide book) we had no idea that it played a pivotal role in the battles between the Musselmen and Christian leaders in the past. There had been a fortified town there and the longest siege had lasted 9 months. It was incredibly high above the valley and we couldn’t quite believe that anyone had the energy to take food provisions up there in the first place. We watched an excellent film show about it which would have been even more interesting if either of us understood Spanish! But we did understand that the whole place survived until Napoleon and his army arrived and razed (burnt it to the ground) the place.
The road to Granada was through the Sierra with lovely views (except around every corner there was more of the same) until we hit the smoggy valley and Granada itself. We then spent a very long time winding through ever smaller streets with no idea of how to get out, reverse or find a place to park. This is becoming quite a habit! In the end we made it to the Alhambra Palace above Granada, (not where we had intended to stay as we thought it would be premium rates). It was actually a good place to be as we could dump the car and catch the very efficient shuttle bus up and down to the city.
The language barrier is not so bad and sign language works pretty well. We wait with baited breath to see what arrives when we order something, and have learnt that there are at least a dozen different translations for Pork. In fact quite soon we will grow snouts and talk in grunts! Breakfast appeared as a croissant filled with ham and cheese. Lunch in the next town was a ham and cheese baguette, and tonight there was a choice of pork chops, loin, sirloin or black pudding! We have since learned that the annual cull of pigs has just taken place so there is not much else. It is delicious but I don’t think many of them have seen the light of day except a few little black ones in the wild.
We are staying in the Hotel Guadalupe which is right outside the entrance to the Alhambra Palace – all marble, glitz and Wi-Fi – only the Wi-Fi doesn’t work above the 1st floor and we are on the 4th so we have to sit in the bar to connect, ah well things could be worse! An American family (grandparents, parents and two little girls) have just arrived. The restaurant closed 2 minutes before they got here – will they even get a sandwich, naaah!!

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