Friday 6 November 2009

Agen to Moissac

Wednesday 4th November. Agen to twixt Moissac and Castelsarrasin As it was pouring when we woke and still doing so when we left at 10.30’ish we booked ourselves into a hotel about 33 miles down the canal so that we knew we had somewhere warm to get to eventually. The beauty of the canal is that there is nothing to stop or even slow your progress so you can be fairly accurate about how far you are going to get. The only slight concern was that the Hotel was called Felix which sounded a bit dodgy. By lunchtime we were so wet and cold that we left the canal and went into Malause to find somewhere warm for a bite to eat. Needless to say the bar had run out of bread but fortunately the boulangerie next door was open so we bought homemade pizza slices and fantastic apple gateaux, had it microwaved and returned to the bar to eat it and drink red wine and coffee. The French are very accommodating about taking your own food into their bars if they can’t provide something themselves. Fortified we set off for Moissac where there is a must see bridge, abbey and Office du Tourisme. The bridge was impressive – pink and old, the abbey was a little preoccupied there being a funeral in progress but we got in eventually and the Office du T had the girl who takes first prize for being the most unhelpful we’ve met so far, and with a mere 125 miles to the med and 1400 under our belts she’s done well! Anyway back out into the rain and suddenly nailed to a bridge is a sign – restaurant! This had to be where we are staying but when we found it, it was a huge mock wild west village with saloons and banks and hardware stores all in a very run down state looking slightly as if the gold rush never arrived. As we were about to leave there we spotted a sign ‘Hotel Felix’. Reception had saloon bar doors with pistols as the door handles, it turned out to be the most comfortable place we’ve stayed in so far and easily the best value for money. Amazing we thought, you just can’t see what’s around the next corner!

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