Thursday 10 June 2010

L’Aiguillon sur Mer to Talmont St Hilaire

Tuesday 8th June
L’Aiguillon sur Mer to Talmont St Hilaire

We set off across the bridge (the muddy creek - photo yesterday) and followed the cycle route along the coast on sandy tracks

Easy Riding - until you hit deep sand!
and even found where the donkeys live when they aren’t plodding up and down the beaches carrying wriggling children (these donkeys are special to the area, as they look rather more like Mules with longer ears and thicker coats).

And made it to La Rocher – a small holiday village and here we encountered the French Atlantic for the first time since last October. It was too cold to actually swim but we paddled and pretended we were in Cornwall and tried to convince ourselves that if it had been sunny it would be OK! Then we celebrated with a glass in a wine bar near to the beach.

The tiny white speck (on the far headland) up the beach is the holiday home of George Clemenceau a place which we visited last year on our way south - so long ago now! We meandered on along the coast passing through yet more villages with locals gainfully employed in their usual way, ie playing boules!

and there was even a 'token' woman amongst this lot - a real first!

until eventually we had to go inland to Talmont St Hilaire as there is an impassable swamp stretching from the sea right up to the town. However the French Office de Tourisme have produced a map which quite clearly shows a cycle route going through the middle of it and on to Les Sables-D’Olonne which is roughly where we thought we’d like to end up tonight. Anyway 2 hours later, and after many miles bumping down gravel paths leading to nowhere, we convinced ourselves that this route must still be at the ‘official’ planning stage, abandoned the quest and headed into Talmont and it’s Office du Tourisme.
Two wonderful ladies made a number of suggestions as to where we could stay starting with a couple of fairly run down looking hotels right beside the office to Chambre d’hotes anything up to 10k’s away. So feeling fairly tired by now plus it looked as though it was about to rain we opted for one a mere 1k away where we could self cater and it is within walking distance of a massive SuperU!
Towering above the Office de T is Richard the Lionheart’s castle – a must see for us in the morning.
We became thoroughly ever-excited in the SuperU as we chose our supper, and in the end spent almost as much as if we had gone out somewhere. The best buy of all was a new pair of shorts for me as my old ones have finally worn through the seat; and only 4 euros! They may not be designer but they are very comfy! It was a treat to go home, and slop around in scruffy clothes, (not biking clothes) and eat what and when we wanted, without having to see anyone or make an effort.
Actually, Alec did have to make quite an effort as our lovely hostess was computer friendly but didn’t know what wifi was, but needed it for a booking next week, so 30 minutes later and after a joint phone call to her son who spoke English, she and Alec were both happy- our computer worked and she can now tell the tourist office that she is wifi friendly! I know that we probably go on about this rather a lot, but on the days where we can’t connect, we are unable to plan ahead at all.

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