Thursday 3 June 2010

Eynesse to St Emilion

Sunday 30th May
Eynesse to St Emilion

The trip today not being very far meant we didn’t have to hurry. So we had a leisurely breakfast (back in the dining room with last night’s guests) and then took advantage of their wi-fi by catching up on day’s worth of emails and skyping the girls. It was also drizzling very determinedly which is never an incentive for setting off. But by 12 we had outstayed our welcome so forced ourselves to leave and ended up 500 yds away sheltering in a bus shelter. The plan was to follow the Dordogne but for most of the journey it was obscured only making an appearance at Flaujagues, in fact we saw more red squirrels than sightings of the river. There are some gorgeous houses all along the river bank and hidden in the valleys, confirming the advantage of a life in the City to that of a gamekeeper!!

The Dordogne

Chateaux at Flaujagues

We crossed the Dordogne at Castillon-la-Bataille, where rather wet and dishevelled, we had some lunch before starting the slow ascent to St Emilion which seemed to take forever. Last night’s hostess had booked us into another chambre d’hote so at least we had nothing to worry about except finding it.
Arriving at Clarissa's don't know how this happened, but a car rally went by and I seem to have been in 'stitch' whatever that is!
To our amazement madame was a dead ringer for Clarissa Dixon-Wright and to our eternal gratitude she had put the heating on for us, as last night’s hostess had warned her we would be arriving ‘wet’. The radiators were positively humming which was very welcome indeed. For supper we had to cycle the 1.5k’s back into St Emilion, picked a restaurant which externally looked amusing but inside was damp and cold and just felt all wrong. The waiter was determined we should sit in the darkest gloomiest corner despite the fact that the place was empty, so we left. (that’s a first we must be becoming a lot more assertive) and went to another one in the square where we were a lot more at home and had a very good dinner. In fact we had a jolly good evening!

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