Tuesday 9 March 2010


Sunday and Monday 7-8th march

We are still here, waiting for the weather to clear. A huge gale came through yesterday and it was exceedingly wet all day so we did very little of interest. We walked around the town which is rather charming and seems very prosperous. There is quite a hub of activity in the daytime and it is refreshing to see several new houses and flats being built and worked on. Down the side streets the town houses are all painted different colours, blue, pink, green and some very bright orange ones which are a bit on the loud side, but fun. It is not mentioned much in the guide books which seems a little unjust as there is a lovely long beach and pretty smart shops and bars. We sat in a cafe to while away a bit of time and the chef was working flat out making the most amazing array of pastries and pasta as takeaway food. One of his tables in the kitchen was covered in orange coloured rice, which he had spread out to dry before putting it into the Naranjinos I had mentioned earlier.
Fish fountain in Pozzallo
The other couple staying in the B and B are an inspiration to us. They have been biking around various parts of the world for the past 15 years and were full of most helpful advice and information, particularly on Greece where we hope to go after Malta, or maybe instead of, at this rate! They also have a motor home which made us very jealous!
We had another text late on Sunday night to say Monday morning’s sailing was canceled again.
Monday. The wind has dropped but the sea is looking pretty lumpy and it has not stopped raining. We have now caught up with all the mundane jobs put off for a rainy day, scrubbed the bikes, oiled them, tried to mend the back light, and failed so far, done the washing really rather well and carefully for once, and if I am waffling a bit here it is to fill in time!
We went off around the town once again and are waiting for 4 pm when we can ring the ferry people to hear if we go tonight. In the meantime the hotels in Malta are mostly full and have doubled their prices as everyone that side is stuck too.
With luck the next time we type anything we MIGHT be in Malta.
War memorial in Pozzallo - Vivi thinks he's very handsome, I don't think he looks very Sicilian!
Prawn fountain!
Oh no we have just had the call from the ferry company - tonight's sailing has been canceled!!

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