Sunday 7 March 2010

Friday 5th and Saturday 6th March
Marsala to Pozzallo

We wanted to visit a Marsala Bodega to see how the process worked so pedaled off (not in our bike clothes as we thought they might not think they were quite the thing). The best known one was just a few miles along the coast and is open all the year. However, on this particular Friday they were doing a private tour so we were unsuccessful. Instead we explored the beautiful old town of Marsala which has a very ‘genteel’ air to it, and some beautiful buildings. We couldn’t really do it justice as we had to collect our hire car from Trapani airport so as to continue along the south coast back to Pozzallo.

Piazza Comunale where after having failed to get on a tour we tried a sweet and a dry Marsala

For some extraordinary reason there is no public transport along this part of Sicily and it would have taken 2 days with many changes to get from A to B by train. Anyway, it was all a bit tedious but at least we only took 4 hours to drive to Pozzallo and saw some very varied scenery. Pozzallo is where the ferry leaves for Malta and there is a small quiet town beside the port.

Having failed to look at the Caves d'Ispica when we cycled from Noto to Modica we used the opportunity of having to go to Ragusa to visit them effortlessly in a car. See the cliff the caves are in. We would have had to cycle down one side and up the other.

Saturday was a very dull day indeed, and we really achieved nothing. We booked our ferry tickets for Sunday night, and then drove to Ragusa where we had to drop the car off. It is very pretty countryside around here with beautiful old villas mostly locked up surrounded by small fields with stone walls. At this time of year it is all very green and looks quite like Ireland, with contented cattle grazing and stone walls. We hung around Ragusa for hours trying to catch a train or bus back and finally made it home just before dark, after a bit of a clash with a vile ticket attendant whilst trying to board the train. No ticket office, ticket machine broken, ticket agency closed and not allowed on the train or we’d have to pay a 50 euro fine for not having a ticket! Anyway it was their loss as we caught the bus which was cheaper if rather longer.

Vivi couldn't believe that people would glue money to the street and was determined to prize these coins off!
At 19.45 pm we then received a text from the ferry company saying that the sailing on Sunday was likely to be canceled so they advised us to catch the 19.30 pm ferry tonight from Catania (60 miles or so away) instead! So we shall see what tomorrow brings.
We had a nice fish supper in town and whilst walking home the town was full of young going out clubbing. They were probably as skimpily dressed as those at home but no one was drinking, drunk or fighting. Rather different from Saturday nights in Britain.

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