Sunday 28 March 2010

Back to Patras

Sunday 21st March.
Back to Patras
Today we needed to get back to Patras as the bikes have to be left at Harry’s for a ‘service’ and we have to catch a train to Athens and all in the morning. On the way back into Patras we stopped under some trees for lunch and were promptly joined by 20 or so students who like to cycle out of the town on Sundays to play games and picnic.

A group of very jolly students who all needless to say spoke faultless English and were very pleasant to be with.

This runner passed us one way going so fast I thought I must take a picture when he comes back. I nearly caught up with him!!

They were amazed that people of our age had made it so far and told us of their plans to cycle across Spain in the summer. We weren’t too encouraging about this but accept that being that much younger and fitter they might be able to do it. Patras was very quiet apart from all the bars which were heaving, apparently the two top Greek teams were playing football which had brought the streets to a state of emptiness. The right side must have one because after it was over everyone went home quietly and in good humour.

Huge moth we found on the side of the road and below a man who appeared whilst we had lunch and washed his socks in the sea!!
On the way back to the hotel we passed some American boys falling out of a bar shocked and gasping ‘they wur prastitoots, they wur prastitoots’ and it was then we realized the bar was right next to our hotel, no wonder it was so cheap, we were the only people in years spending an entire night in it!!

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