Saturday 13 February 2010

Praia a Mare to Diamente

Thursday 11th February.
Praia a Mare to Diamente
There didn't appear to be any hotels in range today so we were a little anxious about setting off but our hotel owner knew a man who knew a man and we were soon fixed up with a room in Diamente. Only about 15 miles down the coast but with the weather and the terrain in opposition 15 was enough. Added to that I'm not feeling too good so a short spell in the saddle
could be wise. To begin with the route followed the coast which we reckon in the summer would
be extremely hospitable but wasn't looking too good today.

Another for our collection of chairs in weird places!

After a few miles the route turned inland but not before we'd passed the Isola di Dino which is still protected by a Norman/Saracen tower although I think we would call it a Crusader tower and also a cluster of Trullis or as my sister in law called them after a guided visit on holiday in
Puglia - Trulli borings.

Inland we lost all trace of the nice quiet roads and were forced to share the busy highway with the juggernauts and the salesmen. It's a bit disconcerting when you see a squashed dog still with it's collar on but cats and dogs are everywhere so sadly this is inevitable. When the rain really started we pulled into a garage, where from the fuss they made of us you'd think we'd cycled from Australia but I suppose from Dorset to here is quite a long way, most of them think merely going to Sicily is an achievement which we regard as just down the road!
Anyway we made it to the recommended hotel and I collapsed into bed with horrid tummy cramps - could be something to do with the platefuls of gherkins, hard cheese and salami I've been eating. Vivi is absolutely fine and continues to eat everything in sight, I am trying to sleep but every time she comes back from another sorti to the dinning room or the shops she likes to wake me to make sure I'm still OK - thank heaven for such small and comforting mercies!
It is very boring with Alec being out of sorts and the weather not playing either. I didn't dare take my bike into the local town of Daimente in case I got a puncture or something broke on it. I still have little idea of what to do in that event and just have to watch Alec admiringly as he does manly things. However I was brave enough to have supper on my own! The only other diner luckily spoke a little english and between us and the hotel owner we covered many topics in both languages, from world politics,(easier to understand than the local ones) and tv shows.
I have finished my book so am very bored.

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