Sunday 4 April 2010

Vranas to Mirtia

Tuesday 30th March
Vranas to Mirtia
Our hosts last night were telling us how the reputation of the British precedes us. They shudder when Brits book in as the Lager Louts have such a fearsome reputation. He said that fortunately very few come to this part of Greece and they tend to turn them away so now we are quite pleased most people think we are German when we arrive!
We were rather more careful with our map reading today. We headed into Amaliada

Don't know if it's old or modern but found this lying about in Amaliada!
through some dull countryside , still on the Ilian Plain so mercifully flat. We arrived at Zorbas Hotel in Myxtia which was near the beach so yet again we were off to catch up on a bit of sunbathing. There was a river running in to the sea beside where we lay and it was full of warblers and waders, so we had a happy time watching them. The frog chorus is deafening but the minute you try to spot them they put their heads down so as yet we haven’t seen one. Zorbas is yet another family run hotel, and these are always fun to stay in as the whole family pitch in and you never know who is going to bring the next drink or meal. They are mostly terribly friendly as we are still usually the only guests. This family served up their own delicious rose wine to wash down the lamb’s meat balls. Whilst waiting for Alec outside the village stores a little boy tried to engage me in conversation. This was quite a short one for obvious reasons, but I got the phrase book out and earnestly told him about our bikes as he was hanging around. Only when Alec re-appeared did he become more pushy as all he wanted was money but luckily I hadn’t understood as he was begging in German.

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